Discover OTA's video library, packed with content to help you build accessible, boundaried, caring relationships with young people.
Our Latest Video
Can You Name a Trusted Adult?
A Video for Middle School and High School Students
Adults can only go 50% of the way. Young people must choose to go the other 50% of the way and invest in healthy relationships with adults in their school and in their communities. This video teaches young people the critical qualities of trust including how to grow a network of trusted adults, mentors and supporters, a skill they will use throughout their life.
Watch Our Webinars
Mindset March
Watch NowThis webinar focuses on engaging young people in a conversation about growing and maintaining healthy mindsets.
Frienduary Webinar
Watch NowIn this webinar, the One Trusted Adult team shares tools for talking about friendships with young people.
Partner Parenting
Watch NowIn this webinar we discuss the importance of your child's ability to name at least one trusted adult at home and school.